The Most Potent Octane Booster Available.
This boosts octane like no other. Eliminate water and increase octane up to 10 points with FPPF Gas Treatment. Gas Treatment with XP100 contains 100% active ingredients and is a result of extensive research and product development and the latest advancements in chemical and fuel additive technology. This results in a treatment that eliminates rough idle, pre-ignition and hesitation without damaging your catalytic converters. Use it in all gasoline, ethanol and ethanol/gasoline blends including E85. Worried about your warranty? No need. Gas Treatment can be used in all gasoline engines and does not invalidate your manufacturer?s warranty. Treat your engine right by idling smoother, cleaner and worry-free. Boost with FPPF Gas Treatment.
When used regularly, FPPF Gas Treatment offers these benefits:
- Removes water via hydrogen polar bonding
- Removes gum and varnish
- Decarbonizes combustion chamber
- Increases combustion
- Improves engine efficiency
- Increases power
- Increases fuel economy
- Inhibits corrosion
- Controls icing
- Reduces surface tension
- Stabilizes fuel
- Controls sludge
- Prevents formation of acids
- 100% soluble in all fuel oils
- Free of alcohol
- Lubricates entire fuel system
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