Diesel Fuel Treatment for the Entire Year.
There’s no better time to treat your fuel than all the time. Treat regularly and eliminate water, reduce wear and increase combustion all with FPPF Lubricity Plus Fuel Power. Ultra-low sulfur diesel fuels do not provide the proper lubricity recommended by engine manufacturers. This ultimate lubrication product is a superior year-round diesel fuel treatment that combines all the benefits of Fuel Power and the most effective ultra-low sulfur lubricating technology available. Plus, it can be used in both #2 and #1 diesel fuels. Additionally, Lubricity Plus Fuel Power contains a cetane improver for better starting and smoother engine performance. This is the perfect diesel additive for most applications, excluding severe cold weather.
When used regularly, FPPF Lubricity Plus Fuel Power offers these benefits:
- Removes water via hydrogen polar bonding
- Cleans injectors
- Removes gum and varnish
- Decarbonizes combustion chamber
- Increases combustion
- Improves engine efficiency
- Increases power
- Increases fuel economy
- Inhibits corrosion
- Controls icing
- Reduces surface tension
- Stabilizes fuel
- Controls sludge
- Prevents acid formation
- 100% soluble in all fuel oils
- Free of alcohol
- Lubricates entire fuel system
- Meets HFRR lubricity standards
- Improves cetane
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